
Macaroni Travel

Planning is Everything

By May 23, 2012


Now that summer is here, family vacations, summer camps and visits to grandma’s are on the way.  There are a million things that we need to plan before hitting the road – I spend at least two to three days planning!  But one thing many of us don’t consider is putting plans in place – and documented forms – of what actions to take in case of an emergency. & provide parents with a catalog of over 75 different authorization forms to choose from, whether parents are traveling without their children, or their children are traveling with a grandparent, relative, teacher, coach, with one of two parents abroad or alone.  There are even forms for pet owners.


The forms address all types of family configurations, so the language used is appropriate given the family structure and informational fields are properly provided for necessary contact information.  So, whether parents are together, divorced/separated or single parents they will have an appropriate form to use.  In addition, the customized and comprehensive information parents provide in each form, for travel companions and/or caregivers, is practical and immediately recognizable by parents, grandparents and caregivers as essential.  Each form is balanced with clear legal authorization language in a concise manner combined with specific basic medical information about each child.  Certain forms provide more extensive information including contact information for each child’s pediatrician, dentist and specialist, as well as primary and secondary/travel insurance information for effective care.