
5 games to play while driving the kids to school!

Make the morning car ride fun for the whole family.

By Brittany Brown August 17, 2023

Playing games in the car with your child while driving to school can be a great way to make the commute more enjoyable and interactive. Here are five fun games you can play:

  1. I Spy: This classic game is perfect for car rides. One person chooses an object they see within the car or outside, and says, "I spy with my little eye, something that is [color/shape/etc.]." Other players take turns guessing the object until someone correctly guesses it and gets to be the next "spy."
  2. 20 Questions: One player thinks of an object, and the others have 20 yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. The questions should be strategic to narrow down the possibilities. After 20 questions, the players make their final guesses.
  3. License Plate Game: Try to spot license plates from different states or provinces. You can keep a list and see how many different ones you can find during the drive. This game also works well for learning geography.
  4. Word Association: Start with a word, and each person takes turns saying a word that's related to the previous one. It can be a word that rhymes, shares a similar theme, or starts with the last letter of the previous word. This game can lead to interesting and unexpected word chains.
  5. Story Building: Collaboratively create a story by having each person add a sentence. Start with a simple opening sentence, and take turns building upon it. The story can take all sorts of twists and turns, resulting in a creative and entertaining tale.

Remember, the goal is to have fun and engage with your child during the car ride, so choose games that suit their interests and the age group. Additionally, ensure that the games don't distract you from safe driving practices.